Friday, 18 October 2019

Should everyone have to do athletics?

Should everyone have to do athletics?

Do you think that everybody should to athletics? Well I do and here are some reasons why I think everyone should do athletics.

I think that everyone should have to do athletics because it is good fitness. Some people might only sit in their room and play video games all day long and don’t work out or do any fitness at all. Even a little bit a day would be great so if they do athletics they will at least get a whole day of fitness so you are not too big and be a bit more fit.

Another reason is so you can be healthy if you don’t do exercise like athletics or anything at all you can get obese and stay in your room all the time like a hermit. Then you can get really sick and might have to go to the hospital and there could be a possibility of death. So I suggest to do athletics to stay healthy.

Last reason is that it is fun for a lot of people, some people think that it is really boring but if you train and get really good you would probably think that it would be fun. Personally I think that it is just fun anyway even though i am not that good at it. You can do a lot of fun activities at athletics you would probably at least like one but you just don't want to admit it athletics is really fun think about it.

In conclusion you should do athletics to stay fit, healthy and it is fun. Those were my three reasons why I think everybody should do athletics it is great please try to enjoy it because it is great fun to enjoy the next time you have athletics. Have I changed your mind Yes or No?

By Aoife
Aged 11

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