Friday, 29 March 2019


 this term we have been working on poems. we had this poster thing delivered to us and there were 13 little things in it and we had to choose one i chose a spider we had to write a poem and send it over but our teacher wanted us to keep the poems so we had to write it on a piece of paper and then water colour it all of them fade in to each other I really liked this because I really enjoy art i recon you should do this.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aoife, I like your post and agree with Mrs Gully that capital letters and full stops could be used here. I will also add spell your title doesn't spell "Spider" its spells "Sider" which is a drink :-) Spiders are cool, I love them, they are such hard workers building their webbs too-maybe that is why they have eight legs :-) Yvette Roche (Your Mum)


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